Recycled copper gaskets from JHU & NASA planetary scientists, salt, sand, glue, glass, pigments
5 copper gaskets
12 inches x 20 inches
These copper gasket artworks were created in collaboration with planetary scientists from NASA and Johns Hopkins University. The copper rims were used in scientific experiments to recreate the atmospheric conditions surrounding planetary bodies in space. In these experiments, researchers prepare a gaseous mixture and pump it into the chamber. The gas is then exposed to plasma or UV light, creating a reaction that produces haze particles. Through these intricate experiments, haze particles, also known as complex organics, accumulate inside the chamber, mimicking those found around planetary bodies. These particles often contain the building blocks of life and enable scientists to better understand the conditions on these distant planetary bodies.
To conduct these experiments, copper gaskets are used to create an airtight seal enclosing the gaseous mixtures. The gaskets can only be used for one experiment and are then discarded. I began repurposing these gaskets and conducting her own artistic experiments inside them, using a variety of materials such as salt, sand, glass, glue, pigment, and resin. Through these pieces, I aim to represent the atmospheres studied in the lab and share these awe-inspiring artifacts.